

Main – CrossFit

This will be the first day of a 12 week squat cycle. If you haven’t established a 1RM recently take today to do it. As we progress through the cycle, stay as close to your percentages as possible. Build up to the assigned weights in 2-3 sets and then do the prescribed sets at the same weight. If you are having a rough day and not feeling it, back down the weight a bit, but do not go over your percentage. The goal is linear increase of load over 12 weeks to increase your max. We will test your 1RM February 6th!
For our metcons, we will be doing a lot of movements that we expect to see in the open this spring.


Back Squat (5×5 @ 70% or Find 1RM)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12 Min AMRAP

12 Wallballs (24/20)

6 Box Jumps RX(24/20) RX+(30/24)

3 Ground to Overhead RX(135/95) RX+(185/125)
Pick a weight that you can do 3 G2OH without breaking.

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