
Strader_TestimonialWhen did you start Crossfit?

I started the day Crossfit 151 opened, January 2013 and haven’t looked back since.

What was most surprising for you when starting Crossfit?

How out of shape I was!!!  That and discovering that the “scaling” theory is real.  I was skeptical that workouts would actually scale to my ability but I quickly realized they scale to everyone’s ability.  And it is crazy how the tables turn, now scaling is the last thing I want to do, I want to complete the workouts as prescribed as much as possible.

When did you start noticing improvements?

Almost immediately through quality coaching and repetition I was seeing my lifts increase.  One thing I started doing from the beginning was taking a photo every 30 days.  The changes I saw from January to February were incredible!  I hadn’t (and still really haven’t) lost much weight but the muscle definition and transformation in my body was enough to validate I was doing something right.   I continue to take a picture every 30 days and the transformation continues, the other day I thought I actually saw an ab trying to peek its way out!

How has CrossFit affected you outside of the gym?

I think we all agree that life can be stressful and tough especially when you bring work, family, etc into the mix.  And CrossFit does not change this!  However it does give you a little different perspective.  When leaving the box in the morning after setting a PR on Fran or doing 987 burpees the rest of the day is a cake walk, the hard part is done!  And I end up sitting at work the rest of the day excited to go back in and do it again (kind of sick huh?).

What are your goals with CrossFit?

Well, I have different goals for each of my lifts as well as improving benchmark WODs, etc….  But there are two goals that really stick out to me, the first is to quit sucking at overhead squats (and I REALLY SUCK at them) and the second is to compete in the RX division.

What words of advice do you have for someone considering CrossFit?

DO IT!  You are going to be sore and hurt like hell for the first couple weeks but you will love every minute of it.  Just jump in head first and don’t look back.  I did my first competition after doing Crossfit for only 3 weeks, and was instantly that much more addicted!


Member Story – Strader

When did you start Crossfit? I started the day Crossfit 151 opened, January 2013 and haven’t looked back since. What was most surprising for you when […]