

CrossFit 151 – CrossFit


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


30Min Amrap

2,000m Row

150 Wallballs Rx 20/14

100 Cal Assault Bike

50 S2OH Rx 135/95
This is a partner workout. You can break the reps up however you like. You cant move on from a movement until you have completed the prescribed reps…

So while Partner 1 rows, Partner 2 will hang from the pull-up bar. You can only accumulate meters while Partner is hanging from the pull-up bar. Switch at anytime

While Partner 1 performs Wallballs, Partner 2 must perform a handstand hold. Switch at anytime

While Partner 1 is accumulating cals on the assault bike, partner 2 will hold the barbell in a finished deadlift position. Switch at anytime

While Partner 1 is performing S2OH, Partner 2 must hold a plate in the overhead postion..Rx 45/35. Switch at anytime

If at anytime the partner performing the hold stops, then the other partner has to stop working.

I realize we only have 3 assault bikes, so there will have to be a few groups that start at different movements..

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